Friday, August 12, 2022

An Infinity Going Inwards

Does a fine equation seem
Philosophical to you,
Or does it seem poetic?

Well, now you’ve nicely defined
The difference in flavor
Between tasting poetic

Or metaphysical, not
To say between poetry
And philosophy themselves.

One leans toward elegance,
The other profundity.
But about that equation—

What’s that all about?
Can it predict the cosmos
To twelve decimal places?

Then it’s physics. Can you prove
It’s perfectly coherent
With everything else you know

Of mathematics? Then, math.
Pretend for these purposes 
Space isn’t continuous.

In fact, it might be that space
Isn’t continuous. So.
Now you have discretized space,

As the theoretical 
Physicist puts it. You have
A cosmic piece of lattice.

Over here, among these fields,
These trembling, wavering fields,
Knots of energy pile up

And mass math. A finite jump
In any direction lands
You on, for instance, physics

Or metaphysics, maybe
Poetry. But that’s cheating.
Parity violation!

Red card! An anomaly 
Cancellation penalty.
Sadly, math’s no longer

Poetry. It’s too ugly.
It’s only physics, time out
For philosophy. Fine mess

You’ve gotten your math into.
What manifold nonsense space
Has pretzeled into itself.

Throw some probability 
Like a blanket over it.
The blanket’s now a landscape

Woven out of equations
Covering lumpy physics.
Poetry, philosophy

Agree it’s fun to picnic
Off such blankets, so long as
Someone finds something to eat.

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