Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Especially on This Day with Clouds

The best argument for infinity
May be that those doing the arguing
Sit smack in the middle of everything.

The human body’s so incredibly
Gigantic—a phosphorescent ocean
Of trillions of copies of living cells,

Each seething with inner machinery,
Each beset and befriended by smaller
Lives they host or eat or defend against,

And the whole mass churning giant proteins,
Enormous compared to most molecules,
Themselves made of atoms, themselves all zoos.

And, at the same time, all of this is small,
Ridiculously small, each whole human
Body compared to actual oceans,

Much less the planet, the solar system,
The staggering numbers of stars alone,
Never mind galaxies and darknesses.

And speaking of the same time, temporal
Divisions, too, center human bodies
As life spans that blink in yawning eons

And as eons themselves to split seconds,
The splitting of which grows ever finer.
How life could land so thoroughly centered

Would seem to be a holy mystery,
Unless you’ll accept a brutal answer—
All points of infinity are center.

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