Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Sky as a Full Globe

Any formulation is a short cut.
Any formulation is a code. You,

Compact second-person pronoun of you,
Small word common as dirt, hardly a grunt,

Applicable to almost anyone
And, in English, to everyone at once—

Family member, lover, total stranger,
Judge, officer, banker, and panhandler,

Even self—you are the equal to e
Equal to mc squared, just as compressed,

And far more necessary to most life.
Grunt a you, point a you, shape you in air,

And you have made your throat, arms, hands shortcuts
Through the oceanic, receding globe,

You alone, on a clear night, half a globe,
Knowing there’s another half-sphere down there,

So long as there is at least one other
You left who can, like you, translate the code.

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