Monday, January 24, 2022


Watching you watch each other
Think is like watching you watch

Each other eat the same meal
With different manners and teeth,

All of you at the table,
An actual smorgasbord,

As one of you just called it,
Of mostly similar thoughts

On mostly similar texts,
Grown from us names and numbers.

It’s a little different, though,
In that watching each other

Think is eating and cooking,
Simultaneously, not

Just watching the cook, sampling
As the meal’s prepared—eating

The cook as the meal, watching
And directing your eating,

Like a pig in Lubberland
Offering you its bacon.

You might want to back on out
If you can, but you can’t, since

You’re always hungry for more
Ideas, hungrily watching

Each other think, as you eat
Each other up in thinking.

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