Sunday, January 16, 2022

Dysregulated Control Systems

Life on the fritz. Essential
Tremor, tinnitus, night sweats
With no particular cause.

Embrace this. Particular
Causes are for suckers set
On earning livings from them

And the suckers who buy them,
Usually each from each
Or some set from other sets.

It’s a circulatory
System, any market is.
If you buy my backscratcher

I’ll buy or give you the means
Of production to sell yours.
All cycles spin balancing

Acts, stable orbits, feedback
Loops, homeostatic purrs,
Thermodynamic cascades

Climbing up Mt Entropy
The whole way geared in reverse.
The ratchet of the cogwheel

Zipper rattles. Why is it
Any cycles continue,
That regulation persists?

The big and little wheels turn
Up with regularity,
Sublime regularity,

And yet they always tremble
And wobble a little bit.
Don’t slip too much. Get a grip.

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