Saturday, January 29, 2022

A Wide Array of Grievances

How much grief can one species cause?
How much can one species grieve? Earth

Apparently needs to know, since
It just spawned some real specialists.

Unhappiness is a surplus
Trait that comes with nervous systems,

But the ability to talk
About one’s grief and grievances

Lets griefs spin across the landscape—
Dust devils, sea spouts, tornados

Of grievances spawning more grief
Spawning more grievances—spirals

Of next-to-nothing become death.
Apparently this works for them,

This single, grieving species, grown
Larger and larger, emptier

And emptying their world further
Of any other furniture,

Any other species but mice
And dust and the lovers of dust.

One species spun a haunted house,
Unhappily haunting itself.

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