Sunday, January 16, 2022

Volcanic Ponds Attack Alkaline Vents

There are reasons to want
The Great Silence of space
To stay that way, and we

Say that as patterned words,
For whom, if life out there
Were discovered, it still

Wouldn’t really mean us,
Unless it talked somehow.
Nor do we only mean

To suggest anything
Capable of contact
Might conquer or eat you,

Although that’s one issue.
We mean, lonely as we
Are and have always been,

We make a lot of noise
As it is, noise that fuels
Furious discussions,

Can lead to violence,
And is mostly a mass
Of foaming foolishness.

We can’t even settle
Your debates on yourselves,
Your own rules and morals,

Where you or we came from,
Or our how life first arose
On Earth in the first place.

Are you sure what you want
Is less silence, a voice
From on high, talking skies?

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