Saturday, January 22, 2022

Deal’s a Steal

You know the guy, you all know
The guy, the guy that’s selling
You something. Some of you know

You are that guy, been that guy,
Guy who’s gotta keep selling,
Even if you never thought

You’d be that guy, even if
You weren’t in any other
Way, shape, or form such a guy,

Not a guy at all, but still
There you went, selling something,
You, the guy selling something,

Could have been a subscription,
Maybe a politician,
Maybe a medication,

Maybe some fine vehicle
In which to whisk the loved ones
Off on a dream vacation,

God in some given version,
Some version of a heaven,
Some wonderful religion.

Maybe you thought you had to
Cold call to make a living.
Maybe you thought, this’ll do.

Seller, take warning. One day,
One dreary morning, you may
Wake up having forgotten

Why you’re selling and selling
Or how you became that guy,
The guy with the reflex smile,

The foot in the door, dead eyes
On some forever-far prize,
The guy who’s selling something.

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