Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Simultaneous Assembly and Disassembly of People in Hospitals

It’s hard to assess this.
You can be confident
Exactly this moment,

Whether measured by clocks
Showing the same numbers
Or by a slice through waves

Of the surf called spacetime,
Someone drew their last breath
And an infant its first.

In a coincidence,
While this is on your mind,
The hospital PA

Plays the lullaby chimes
That indicate a birth
Just now. Another life

On its way to being
Another person. Go,
Child, go! Someday you may

Pass through a hospital
Again, but that person
Hasn’t developed yet,

That you that you will be,
Material wisp dragged
About by the body

You’re also becoming.
Oh! Another chime rang,
Another starter kit.

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