Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Misdirection Poem

Someone opened a window
And hauled up blinds that had stayed
Always down for months and years.

The character of the day
Didn’t change in the slightest.
The character of the room

Was transformed into something
That had never existed,
Another room, another

Kind of room. And yes, this room
Was real, before and after.
A real person raised real blinds.

But it was a parable, as well—
The first, more shadowy room,
Metaphor for the unknown,

Second, open-windowed room,
Metaphor for the unknown.
Seems redundant, but it’s not.

The unknown had nothing much
To do with obfuscation,
Nor the known to do with light.

The unknown came with the day
As the day explored each room,
And the unknown never changed.

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