Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Service Bear

A comma-lacking headline
Pings around the Internet,
Bandied by algorithms,

Feral, free of proofreading—
Bear dead after attacking
Hospitalizing man—no

Comma between attacking
And hospitalizing man.
So, after the third viewing

Of the exact same headline
On scattered aggregators,
You might think the bear attacked

An odd comic-book villain,
A one-issue B-lister,
The Hospitalizing Man!

Superman’s in hospital,
Thanks to him; whole cities are
Admitted. He’s like a plague.

He’s Hospitalizing Man.
But now a bear’s attacked him,
And it’s beyond him to send

Wildlife straight to ICU.
Man and bear both meet grim ends.
You grin an ironic grin,

Given it’s too late for you,
Already in hospital.
But maybe, if you get out,

This time you won’t have to go
Back in, thanks to the bear who
Chewed Hospitalizing Man.

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