Wednesday, July 3, 2024

In the Isolation of the Sky

Feral pigeons were made
By humans, reads the lede,

Reminding, good or bad,
No one resists hubris—

Humans, humans did this.
The planet is dying

Of humans—it isn’t.
The planet can be saved

By humans—no, it can’t.

Is social currency
Traded in exchanges

As detached from under-
Lying fundamentals

As any stock bubble.
Pop! What made the pigeons

Feral were accidents
Of pigeon-ness combined

With new environments,
Contingent accidents

Of humanness. Take charge,
Now, though belatedly,

Of how you want pigeons
To be, but keep in mind,

Beyond your intentions
Will rise consequences

As feral as pigeons,
Dusky, extended wings.

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