Friday, July 19, 2024

On Waking from a Nap at Noon

When the surge of random
Happiness cleanses you,
You can’t help but return

To the notion that joy
Is largely stochastic
Fortune, as anyhow

As suffering but not
Often humanly sourced
The way suffering is,

Something that just comes up
Like the wind or the blue
Gap in grey through which sun

Pours through, at the world’s end
Somewhere, always that
Sense of loosed awareness

Detached from most of life
And its anxious centers,
Even in a city.

You could be on a train,
People packed to the gills,
Or in a central square,

When peace overtakes you,
Like Yeats at his table,
Empty cup, open book,

In a busy London
Shop, when his body blazed
And, twenty minutes, more

Or less, it seemed so great
My happiness. Those two—
A sense of the world’s edge,

A sense of bounded time—
Are traits contentment brings
In its wake, peculiar

In being redolent
Of melancholy, both
Of them, core traits of peace.

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