Saturday, July 6, 2024

A Hall of Fame Performance

One nonsense stunt sports sites do
Exaggerates the greatness
Of a peculiar stat line

By showing how few cases
Of that exact line have been
Achieved by prior players—

So-and-so is just the third
Player ever to have more
Than a dozen dinks, three flurfs,

Four woggles, and six gimmes
In the first half of a match!
You could do this with your life—

However little you earned,
No matter you never won,
No matter your lack of fame—

First, take away all the lives
Shorter than yours, and, of those,
Cross out any with no kids,

And of those, remove any
That never visited more
Than at least twenty nations,

Never married at least three
Spouses on two continents,
Never dropped out of college,

Never finished at least three
Advanced degrees, never saw
More than one solar eclipse,

So on and so forth, ending
With your rarest rarity,
Whatever that is for you,

Say, arriving in the world
With a unique mutation,
Say, breaking a hundred bones

Or more. And now, look! No one,
Or maybe just two or three
People before you, ever

Achieved your stat line of life,
That exceptional a life,
As frail, anonymous you!

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