Sunday, July 14, 2024

An Afternoon Ghost

Bows, gentlewomanly, I’m enjoying
The decay. She’s welcome, often as not,
Given her preferred time of day. Stately,

Neither clothed, nor nude, nor robed, she’s a glow
Without limbs, not floating, an upright shade
Like a pillar self-contained, a soft light

With a kindly face and a kinder gaze.
She’s here to offer you her assistance,
Her advice on death after life. (During

Life and dying, death is terrifying,
But after they’re over, it’s not even
Death. It’s being as nonliving being.)

The difficulties aren’t heavens or hells.
The difficulties have been left behind
To add suffering to the left behind.

You see, she clarifies, decay is birth,
Exactly as so many old poets
And self-congratulatory mystics

Have said. Fun as any change to observe.
What’s sorrowful is your amputation
As unique behaviors, cut from the minds

Of everyone who would like remain
In contact with you. Instantaneous,
Unlike the smokeless burning of decay,

From the moment that you left, no one could
Carry on any real conversation
With you, be comforted by your presence.

She brightens or fades but does not waver.
She gathers her afternoon skirts to her,
Dhaka muslin woven of sheerest sun.

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