Saturday, August 13, 2022

Doubling Up, Doubling Down

Sameness but also
The difference it’s
In tension with is

How one art critic
Parses doubleness.
The works in question

Mostly fall in two
In which two objects—

Say, cast copper cones
Or cement columns—
Are both purpose-built

To be as alike
As peas in a pod,
But are then displayed

Distinctly—and one
In which the first or
Original piece

Had an element
Of accident
In its making—

A frame of shattered
Glass, a whimsical
Collage abstract—then

The second piece
Exactly copies
The contingent one

Down to small details.
Display, intention—
Ways doubles can be

Different. Ok.
But every atom
In the quantum field

Of every paired piece
Is a different knot
In the waves. Tell us,

From each distinct
Swerve in the world, where

Comes from—all this play
Declares that you know
Sameness is a trick,

But sameness itself,
Isn’t fake. Likeness

Exists. Likenesses
Are everywhere. How
Can likeness exist?

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