Saturday, August 6, 2022

Coding Instructions

In one language family,
To spread out and put in piles.
For others, to set apart,

Arranging things, reducing
Local entropy, but not
Just archiving, tidying.

Do not raise a heavy eye.
Imperative tidying.
Guidelines for enzymes. The should.

The must. The and/or, if and
Only if, if then. To code
Is to devise the channels

To irrigate fields in drought,
To spell out when to do things,
Raise, lower, open and shut.

The code is not the enzyme,
The muscle, the enforcer,
The force that through the green fuse,

The rushing, the space-time curve.
Children learn to code in school.
Instructions are meant to code

The children. Little channels,
Capillaries for freshets,
Come next spring. About that curve.

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