Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The Living Writer

You know the name. To the best
Of your knowledge, you’ve never
Met anyone by that name,

And yet, you’ve seen it in print
Many times and read many
Texts linked to that authorship.

A number of them you liked.
That name’s also credited
With clusters of selections

And introductions to texts
To other authors whose texts
You’ve read, a number of which

You’ve also liked. This morning,
Again, you saw that the name
Had named the newest winner

Of a significant prize,
And you thought the winner’s texts,
At least the sample you read,

Weren’t bad. So there you have it.
A name you know, name as old
As your own, living writer.

Somewhere there’s a body, too,
Introducing and giving
Readings, maybe signing books,

That body you’ve never met,
Although you’re on a first-name
Basis with so many texts.

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