Thursday, June 23, 2022

No Gravity, No Entropy, No Time

This is the power of language,
And in language we include math—
The positing of negation

At little cost to anything,
Not hardly any cost at all,
No sentence, no equation not

Potentially a dénouement,
The undoing of everything
By the insertion of a non,

A negative, a countersign.
No, this is not all-powerful,
We’re not saying that, but it is

A weird kind of power, in fact
The only home of all that’s weird.
You can’t wake up in the darkness

Of a planet turning its face
Away from its sun to the past
And alter one wave of that past,

But you can deny it, you can
Pretend, you can say it’s not there,
Which is truth’s freedom, in its end.

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