Saturday, June 18, 2022


The system always needs outsiders,
If it’s to grow its circular hill.
One way is to compel insiders

To generate fresh generations
Wholly out of themselves. Failing that,
And that, alone, almost always fails,

Aggressive recruitment and training
Helps to swell the system rapidly.
When it does, everyone benefits,

Or most do—the system, certainly—
But retention’s always a challenge,
And the problem with new outsiders

Is that the insiders who need them
And profit from them rarely like them,
May viscerally loathe them, and hate

The dilution of their own power
That comes with each influx, including
From being outnumbered by children.

Finally, there’s always the limit
On how many potential converts
Are out there, on how many new mouths,

However small, the system can feed.
Watch the pyramid’s middle levels,
Pinched by weight and a narrowing base,

Start to crumble into denial.
That’s when you know the whole thing might go.
Crushed middle swallows what’s left below.

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