Thursday, June 23, 2022

Things Are Heating Up Again

Everything changes faster
When the thermodynamic
Cascade breaks up a winter.

The mountains are sliding down
Slopes burnt of vegetation
In record rains flash-flooding

Formerly peaceful regions.
Everything changes faster
These days on a small planet

That’s come down with the fever,
And, as with any fever,
It’s unclear if it’s raging

To burn off interlopers
Or if it’s out of control,
And the system’s in danger.

Among the interlopers
Spawned by the planet itself,
There’s a lot of arguing

About anything at all
And now about the fever.
This disease lacks a vector

To carry more spores away,
Which keeps all the excitement
Confined to one floating world

In flames, at night, on the waves
That glow with phosphorescence
Spread through all-swallowing seas.

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