Saturday, June 18, 2022

You and That Fog You Saw

You must have seen fog
Sometimes, but if not,
Use your memory

Of smoke, dust storms, smog,
Any sort of haze.
What you didn’t see,

You still sensed. You felt.
There was a lot there,
A lot of atoms

Mixing in the air,
Not so organized
As the mix of you,

But more numerous.
And consider this—
The billions of cells

That shape your thousands
Of thoughts, sensations,

More or less water,
Jostling molecules,

Smoke and mirrors, make
Up the fog that’s you,
Whoever you are,

And, while you’re thinking
Of what you would like
The world to be like,

That other fog moves
And jostles billions
Of atoms, like you,

And if those don’t think
Or wish, they’re many—
Things not thinking—too.

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