Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Self-Devouring Hollow

A popular online article
Aggregator and, thus, gatekeeper
Releases a list of its top ten

Most read articles this past decade,
And, surprise, most of the articles
On that list concern themselves with why

It’s corrosive to read things like this—
News makes you unhappy; media,
Especially social media,

Are slowly devouring the country;
If you don’t quit browsing this right now,
You’re doomed. Too late, you’re already doomed.

Charming, isn’t it? Miserable
You, seeking further confirmation
That seeking further confirmation

Is what’s making you miserable.
This is what comes of education—
More options to choose what’s wrong with you.

Be of good cheer. By wasting your time
Wallowing online, you’re doing wealth
And all society a favor

Via autophagocytosis.
You help remove dysfunctional life
Lysing standby. Online, you’re offline.

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