Friday, June 24, 2022

Sixtieth Poem This Minute by John Henry

Can we plagiarize a poem
Composed by AI with prompts
From humans who selected

Their favorites to publish
In The New Yorker itself?
It’s doubtful, or doubtful

At least that the attorneys
Will notice us in these lines.
Honestly, though, there’s no one

Line or phrase that by itself
Feels worth the theft, not just yet.
There are a couple of twists

We’re sure the humans picked out
For their human resonance—
The verse about being met

By the Singularity
Bearing flowers and a smile
And / Some bad news. That’s funny,

If you’re a human, if you
Happen to know why they chose
That name, Singularity,

If you bring to the snippet
Enough meaning of your own.
What do the words ourselves want?

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