Saturday, January 1, 2022

What Isn’t of What Is

Who needs timidity
In the impossible?
If you can fantasize

Immortals and wizards
And anti-grav warp speed
Hyperdrives, you should think

You could toss it all out.
Let the time-traveler
Flip the arrow of time.

Permit back-causation.
Grant joy without boredom.
Get rid of all the rules

Not just a few of them.
Obliterate if-then.
If this were to happen

Differently, don’t require
Other things to happen
Contrariwise. Why not

Fantasize what you want,
Since you’re fantasizing?
Is it because you can’t?

Then fantasize you can.
Strip it down to the ground,
The studs, nitty-gritty—

Otherwise you’re hinting
You’re just scared to request
What isn’t of what is.

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