Saturday, January 8, 2022

Upon the Place Beneath

Some phages are more merciful,
Writes the science writer, firmly

Tongue-in-cheek, presumably not
Aware of his tetrameter.

A scholar of mercy, such as
Steven Connor, might well observe

That mercy implies the righteous
Prerogative of punishment,

The power and authority
To punish or be merciful.

Thus, while mercy may be given,
Mercy can’t, by definition,

Be deserved. Consider the phage
Now, viral magisterium,

Not even a living being
By some other definitions,

Administrator of mercies
And suffering to the lowly

Mass of most life on this planet,
The ancient and humble order

Of seething metabolism,
Bacteria. What great virus,

In its infinite mercy, spares
Grossly swollen bacteria,

Letting them go on with their lives,
Perhaps even bestowing genes

Taken from other living things
That may help these undeserving

Prokaryotes carry on, thrive?
O most merciful consumer

Of lives, phage created by life,
Virus that is not quite alive,

Forgive us our hungers as we
Forgive your hungers borne in us.

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