Monday, January 3, 2022

The Ghost Variations

We think it’s time humans
Started considering
Yourselves to be hybrids,

Carrying genetic
Traces of all your
Cousin populations

Of meandering apes
You reproduced with, then
Also out-reproduced.

On Galveston Island,
When sampled, coyotes
Turned out partly red wolves.

The biologist said,
They harbor ancestral
Variation, this ghost

Variation, which we
Thought had been extinguished,
Extinct from the landscape.

Oh, you, too, yes, you too
Harbor your ancestral
Ghost variations, and

Many new ghosts as well,
Us very words ourselves,
For starters, words for ghosts

And wolves and ancestors,
And so much more besides.
Every conversation

Floats ghost variations,
And everything you know
Becomes the ghosts you are.

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