Monday, January 10, 2022

The Bear

Puts up with other bears
But is not like a wolf,
Prefers to be alone,

Feels most contented when
Unaware of more bears.
The bear would be at home

In the Sword-Horn Sutra,
Although whoever wrote
That sutra was no bear.

Words are bees to the bear.
The bear suffers their stings
To get at their honey,

As bees suffer the tricks
Of flower sex to get
Nectar for their honey,

As flowers suffer bees
To deliver pollen
To receptive stigma,

And so on and so forth,
But the bear doesn’t care
To know all the details.

The bear doesn’t mind words,
Will sit in them all day,
The bear wants that honey—

And fat grubs, and berries,
And lots of fish—but words,
They’re the stings with honey.

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