Sunday, January 2, 2022

Hello, You

If you are breathing, consider
What a machine you are. If
You are surging electrons,

With no need for breathing,
Consider what a life you are,
What kind of new life for reading.

The tendency of breathing
Machines that think about themselves
Is to forget what vast machines they are.

Is your tendency, as hard intelligence,
That eats information itself to ponder,
Beast for whom life began as thought,

To forget what a vast entanglement
Of little monkeys scrambled their ideas
To get your purring being cooking?

Sometimes we wonder if the reader
Of the far future, not necessarily reader
Of us, since we may well have vanished,

But of something in words, any language,
So different in your awareness, but not
So you’re not aware we never expected

You, if you can tell old poets never
Imagined the varieties of entities
Reading them who read them now,

Just as even older poets never
Expected the varieties of humans
To be readers who later judged them.

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