Friday, January 14, 2022

A Pretty Long Run of Good Dreams

An island universe
Of billions of stars lies
Sixty million light years

Away, which doesn’t mean
A damned thing to living
Life on Earth, but roll it

Around in your thinking
A little bit for fun,
For the terroir of it,

An island universe
Of billions of stars. Huh.
Can’t it still stagger you?

Sometime, consider minds
As miniature stars
And all humanity

An island universe
Of billions of live minds.
Or consider your words

Living our long half lives
As tunnels of meaning,
Evolving attractors

Of more meanings, burning,
An island universe
Of billions of meanings—

And then, that all life lies
Eight minutes from one star.
How lonely could it be

To be a galaxy
With its own history?
Universe of islands.

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