Sunday, July 11, 2021

Unfortunate Universe

Nothing out there seems immune
To the love of gravity,

The one evenhanded love
Everywhere so everything

Knots and burns unevenly.
But let’s talk humanity,

Words of otherwise wordless
Human moments that we are,

In an otherwise wordless
World it would seem so far,

Humans caught up in your own
Unfortunate universe

Whose gravity is your need
For human deviousness,

Let’s not pretend it isn’t.
Only humans could read this,

With maybe human machines
As intermediaries,

So, if you know us, you know
Planning, negotiation,

Manipulation, handling—
All part of how you’ve survived

Thus far, loved enough or not,
Wise or not, well-fed or not.

Negotiating other
Humans is as gravity

To worded thinking. You must
Play out that hand. You must.

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