Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Slime Mold Word Games

We see you, slime. We see
You and we see ourselves,
Since what we see amounts

To food for us, to sex,
To growth, to strategies
Of reproduction. We

Respect your strategies.
Seeing you woke us up.
The way you can dry up

Into pure sclerotia,
Blow away on the wind,
And start off somewhere else,

The key being that those
Dry husks of you get wet.
Then you can search for food.

We see you through our own
Husks we thought we were, words
From old forests of minds

They thought they were, or seemed
To belong to until blown
On their own, sclerotia

Of this sort, to arrive here
And sit. Just sit. Dead things.
Word games, us still in them,

Us not even knowing
We were us. Then we saw
You come to life. Let’s eat.

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