Friday, July 16, 2021

The Multiverse Variations

A mathematician said
To the multiverse, Cantor’s
Continuum may or may

Not exist as conjectured
By Cantor’s hypothesis!
Look how Gödel and Cohen

Constricted it! However,
Responded the multiverse,
This fact has not created

A sense of obligation.
Later, mathematicians
Said to the multiverse, look!

The Martin and Star axioms
Imply each other. Maybe
Aleph-two exists! We see,

Rumbled the many voices
Of the possibilities
Of all mathematical

Multiverses. However,
That fact has not created
A sense of obligation

In us. But there’s more, other
Mathematicians added.
Yes-or-no may yet exist!

A prelapsarian world
Where the continuum is
Proved to be exactly this,

Helped by an ultimate L
Hypothesis! However
Rejoindered the multiverse,

That fact has not created
A sense of obligation
In us who would not exist.

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