Friday, July 30, 2021

It Was the Ritual That Gave Meaning

That curious sense of contentment
That comes when engaging in action
That has no immediate purpose,

Is highly repetitive, precise,
And believed to be beneficial
But not in a clearly defined way—

What is the meaning of that meaning?
It’s a reassurance, a comfort,
A sense that you’re doing the right thing—

Even there the germ of prediction—
You should continue doing this thing
That reassures you and contents you,

The repetitive practice of which
Reminds you all is well, or at least
Not gone completely to hell. It gives

Meaning as the promise of purpose,
And purpose means what you’re here to do,
What you know you should keep doing next.

Pema walked to the monastery
From her home in the thawa at dawn
To complete the kora, turn the wheels.

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