Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Orion Behind Pocket Mesa

Listen, you. Your world would not be
Wonderful if it weren’t for all
The others like you cramming it.

It would be scary. You’d die soon,
Probably sooner than you will.
But neither is the world unkind.

The world is simply not your kind,
Or merely not so much your kind
As it’s imagined by your kind,

Codified by you in our kind.
That’s more than enough of kindness.
This planet is you as you are

The outfit you’re wearing today.
The whole night’s world is this planet
As this planet is your outfit

Or a button on your outfit,
Or a loose thread on that button,
Or a subatomic wavelet,

Or whatever. Sure, you get it.
Small things, all, in true perspective,
Mean there are no true perspectives.

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