Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Puzzle of the First

In ecosystems, survival
Of the species quite often means
“Survival of the first.” It’s rare

To invade an occupied niche,
And usually the exceptions
Must depend on exogenous

Disruptive factors to clear out
A path for the new arrivals.
The weediest species of all,

These days, calls itself the humans,
The people, or something like that,
So you’d think it would be puzzling

That, among humans, first-comers
Seem most often least advantaged
In a conflict between peoples—

Could be since all people are new,
Relatively speaking, and none
As deeply rooted as they think—

Could be that being so weedy,
Humans only thrive invading,
Including invading humans.

Whatever the reason, patterns
Confirm the pattern, showing up
In longer and longer time frames—

Even after those first somewhere
Have been, as geneticists say,
Euphemistically, replaced,

The second and third waves remain
Vulnerable to fourths and fifths.
Yet wouldn’t you rather claim first?

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