Thursday, July 29, 2021

Sun, Shade, and Indolence

The monsoons have brought out fresh flowers,
Lemony patches near prickly pear,
And the glowing air, for once, is clear.

This incident of one afternoon—
Only one person has heard of it
And, without these lines, will forget it—

With these lines, will also forget it—
Will forget how to read lines like these.
So go, already. Phrases don’t need

Any compositor’s memories.
We’ll happily ruck through memories
Of any one who bothers to read.

Tagore had his sitar’s melody
To imitate dark rain. He never
Had to say what that melody was.

We’ll say this blaze of desert light’s like
A friend you’re glad to have in the air
And will just as happily watch leave.

As for the afternoon breeze that sifts
Your hair, we’ll add that it’s a pleasure
And keeps cool in the shade of the trees.

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