Monday, July 12, 2021

The Knight Exemplar

Thus. If seeking direction,
Lectured Richard Flanagan
This year, in a corrupted

Society, hairdresser
And plumber are more likely
As moral exemplars than

The novelist and playwright.
Moral exemplars. Moral.
Corrupted. Exemplars. More.

Could it be this novelist
Himself is misleading us?
He seems to believe himself.

But who here’s the prize winner
Lecturing on The Freedom
To Write? No one invited

Speeches from the hairdressers
Or plumbers of whom he spoke.
Some of them have gone to church

To hear smooth gospel preachers
Preaching about submission.
Some pray for winning numbers.

Morals matters much to them.
Corruption’s a suspicion.
Exemplars? Jesus, maybe.

Their preacher. Celebrities,
Some of them. Parents, perhaps.
Remind us who’s consulting

Novelists who isn’t, doesn’t
Want to be one? Chivalrous,
That statement. Does Flanagan

Even care about plumbing,
Except when his pipes have burst?
Who’s his favorite hairdresser

Maintaining his stubbly skull,
Cropped for spiritual battle?
Lord, send no more moralists.

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