Friday, July 9, 2021

The Giant Rat of Sumatra

Is a phrase and a name,
And a collocation
And coordination

Of names, the common noun,
Rat, with its myriad
Of associations,

The proper Sumatra,
From the Sanskrit, Island
Of Gold, colonial

And exotic enough
To ‘20s British minds,
The adjective, giant,

Often given to lives
A bit large for their kind,
And the whole together

Suggesting all these things
At once, an adventure,
Something grisly, something

Monstrous, alien, cruel,
But in familiar ways
To the fans of Doyle’s Holmes,

Plus the thrilling promise
Of a tale for which the
World is not yet prepared,

All went to prove just that—
The story of the rat,
That is, of names like that,

Made from names, no such rat,
Tale of a name itself,
Its referents floating

In pieces in the minds
Of many memories
Habitually building

Half-lit worlds of ruins
From imagination,
A name that has a life,

Of sorts, or could perhaps—
The world’s not yet prepared
For a story like that.

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