Friday, May 10, 2024


And there was no pain.

Someone will invent the drug,
Maybe with help from CRISPR
Run through the latest AI,

Or with some tool unknown yet,
Unleashing that quiet gene
Capable of blocking pain—

Not just pain itself, mind you,
But trauma and the scarring
To psyche left by trauma.

Most likely, military
Researchers will get there first,
Creating prenumbed soldiers,

Then medics, first-responders,
Prescribing psychiatrists—
Sooner or later, the streets.

People will embrace abuse
On construction sites, in gangs,
Ahead of job interviews—

God, to be impervious,
To never feel hurt, to not
Suffer what gets done to you,

Better than Lethe, nepenthe,
Or heroin. You can see
What’s happening, damaging,

And your wits are crystal clear,
But you can’t be traumatized.
Who knows where it goes from there—

No doubt, all unintended
Consequences forever,
But if there’s no pain, who cares?

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