Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Lone Line

Some other people find you
Or not. Some other people
Like you, or not. If you’re not

Found or liked by anyone,
By any other people,
Then you weren’t. You never were.

People prefer to compare—
Who do I like? Who likes me?
Who do I want to like me?

How do I compare? Mostly,
People pretend to not care
Too much how much others care.

Faith in God is helpful here,
A closed loop—you care; God cares.
Other people should beware.

But that loop, material
At your end, your thoughts and prayers,
Remains supernatural,

Leaky, immaterial
At God’s end. Other people
Will come bail you out. Or not.

You’ve never made up your mind
How much you want to have been
Found, how much just to have been.

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