Sunday, May 19, 2024


There needs to be a genre
Apposite the fairytale,
That, instead of starting, Once,

Or, Once upon a time, flies
Straight into the thick of things
Following a denial—

Each example begins, No,
And, instead of ending with,
Happily ever after,

Or, And if they have not died
They are still there to this day,
Concludes with, I do not know

The rest of the story. Thus,
Each tale in this genre would
Imply a course-correction,

Advancing the narrative
After cleaning up errors,
Only to get stuck again—

No . . . . I do not know the rest.
The genre would be something
Similar to a journal,

Linking traveling through life,
Via etymology,
To a journey, day to day.

No. That genre’s already
Old and boring, and it ends
In death. I don’t know the rest.

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