Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sad, Secret, and Wise

Medieval travel guidebooks
Advised on the kind of guide
And translator one should hire,

But how did one one come to be
Such a person, capable
In diverse cultural realms,

Learnéd and practical both,
A deft, protective escort
While mentoring as well,

Still in need of employment,
Glad to be hired, put in charge
Of the traveler’s safety?

How is it in all eras,
The wise are available
To serve incompetent fools

Who’ve cornered the resources
The wise always seem to lack?
Something in that sad secret

Side that created the wise.
Right now, your interpreter
Negotiates safe passage

Through worlds you pass through nodding
Sleepily, ingrate of wealth
Who hired sad, secret, and wise.

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