Friday, May 10, 2024

An Ominous Request

Mistakes and mutations
Are explorations—tough
On individuals,
Good for populations.

Is there anything worse
Than foreshadowing? Fate
And all kinds of mancy
Are bad enough but not

Actually predictive,
Not insufferable
As foreshadowing, which
Is what real gods would do

If, like authors, they could
Guarantee follow-through.
The ordinary world
Spreads probabilities

Through the past it gathers,
Freaks and anomalies
Included, and if you
Want to try forecasting,

Have at it. But stories
Can’t be realistic,
Nevermind the genre,
Since what writer commits

To plot developments
Entirely catered by
Random distributions,
Mistakes, and mutations?

Give us exploration
For harsh realism—
Tough for readers, writers,
Rich as simulation.

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