Monday, May 27, 2024


An absurdly earnest scholar
Is trying to define the life
Of a human with a career

Trajectory a thousand years
Or so ago, roping phrases
Around key terms—apparatus,

Body, not a biography,
Biology, economy,
Ethics, politics, aesthetics—

Seeming, unironically,
To have defined a kind of life,
A peculiar occupation,

In terms of the course catalog
Of a full university.
Can you imagine words in air

Embodied as only themselves,
Wandering through a human scene
On a medieval quay somewhere?

No human ever lived like that,
As someone else’s description
Come to life, enchanted Golem,

But also there’s hard truth in it—
The absurdly earnest scholar
Is working with mere documents,

And there’s a certain honesty
In trying to conjure from there,
Even if the apparatus

That results is only body
As graphy, not biography.
The Golem of words never stirs.

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