Saturday, May 25, 2024

It’s a Quiet Day

Around the house and in the world,
The kind you won’t remember well,
The kind that won’t leave many notes
For the chroniclers to observe
Viz., On this date in history. . . .

But just since yesterday, just think
Of the total phenomena
On Earth alone that have happened.
If they’ve happened, they’ve been added.
The world’s been expanded by them,

To say nothing of the events
Unfolding in the universe
Beyond the Earth, however math
Construes time, weird fourth dimension,
Wavering everywhere at once.

Constant transformation permits
Fresh configurations coming
Into existence on balance,
So matter and energy stay
The same, information the same,

Except somehow the infinite
Carpetbag expands with events,
Always more events that happened
Than had happened, change enabling
The conservation of spacetime

But never growing less itself,
Never unhappening to hold
A limit to what has happened.
A quiet day around the world,
The kind you won’t remember well.

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