Wednesday, February 7, 2024


 'I touch'--she said once--'petals of a rose. / A silky feeling through me goes!'

Is it possible to think
Mainly about something not
To do with what people do

Without betraying people
Who have suffered at the hands
Of people and what they do?

Two young writers were talking,
Interviewing each other,
Logrolling, really, sweetly—

You prize my work; I’ll prize yours—
Discussing the serious
Business of moral witness,

When one sighed and said,
Sometimes I wish I could just
Write a poem about flowers.

You poor thing! Oh, by all means,
Write a poem about flowers.
You don’t have to publish it

Or show it to anyone.
Do you really think flowers
Aren’t important to humans,

Practically, morally,
Emotionally? They’re good
Distractions from wickedness

Only since they’re important,
Since they draw attention and
Attention draws in meanings.

It could be daring to write
About inhuman flowers,
Ignoring allegory,

With no appreciation
For lovely symbolism,
How the earliest flowers

Probably had petal-like
Tepals and pollen-bearing
Stamens arranged in layered

Whorls of three. It could be good
To paint poems bee-deep in blooms.
But the question still remains—

Is it possible to think
Mainly about something not
To do with what people do

Without betraying people
Who have suffered at the hands
Of people and what they do?

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