Sunday, February 11, 2024

Immigrants, Experts, Journalists, and the FBI

A laundry list in an essay
On the kinds of elites despised
By current populist elites

Would be fascinating to herd
Into a single new country
Of themselves and only themselves.

Never mind the definition
Of elite here, which makes no sense.
Just collect all these despised groups—

All the living Americans
Who immigrated here, experts
In any field in which higher

Education grants diplomas,
Journalists in all media,
And all certified FBI—

But no one else. A sizeable
Starting population for sure,
With a formidable skill set,

But no clear point of cohesion.
Now, what would you bet? An awful,
Conspiratorial nation

Of snobbery and wickedness
Or whatever else these groupings
Have been lambasted as being?

The total number’s large enough,
You’d probably get pretty much
Something like any large nation,

Which is to say, the complete range
Of human behaviors under
Unique sets of cultural traits.

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