Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Starting with Z = 0

Spelunking the Julia
Sets, the math questers
Approach the verge of proving

All the spiral galaxies,
Seahorses, interiors,
Baby sets, and elephants

Of the Mandelbrot itself
Are locally connected.
Decades with a math-poor mind,

You’ve also looked and wondered,
How iteration, nothing,
And self-similarity

Yield something possessing
Maximal complexity
That seems both more and less than

The habits of the cosmos.
The literal seahorses,
Babies, spiral galaxies,

And parading elephants
Of the greater universe
Host more complex dynamics

Yet, and yet some mirroring
Teases an algorithmic
Origin for everything,

That old haunting—can simple
Elaborate intricate
Or is mess left at the core?

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