Monday, February 19, 2024

Exaggerating Lyric

Short, ritualistic,
Hyperbolic is how
One writer classifies

The lyric components
Of game narrative art.
Leaving aside the games

As more significant,
Or most significant
Cultural endeavor—

Either games led language
Or language led to games—
Is this not intriguing

As three words to define
The lyric? Lyric as
Short, ritualistic,

And yet hyperbolic?
Well, exceptions abound,
Sure, but they always do.

Short, that’s the best-known claim,
The least interesting,
Even with exceptions.

Ritualistic, well,
That’s worth considering.
Even while differing,

The lyric traditions
Tend to strict ritual
Within their traditions

And their revolutions.
Still, that trait’s so diffused,
In and out of lyric,

It says far too little
About lyric per se.
Hyperbolic seems weird

And more fascinating.
Has anyone before
Suggested that lyric

Is an art uniquely
Hyperbolic, or is
A hyperbolic game?

Epic’s hyperbolic—
Opera, pro-wrestling,
Grand Guignol theater—

But lyric? Then again,
What lyric poem isn’t
Wild exaggeration?

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